Task 5: Better safe than sorry
Execute only safe commands and add a fallback strategy.
The arbitration graph is now complete and Pac-Man is eating dots like a pro. But there is one last topic we want to talk about: safety and robustness.
Depending on your application, you might only want to execute commands that you know meet certain criteria. The specific requirements will depend on your application and could be anything from physical constraints to safety requirements. In our case, we only want to execute commands where Pac-Man does not run into walls.
We can ensure that commands obey these requirements by adding a verifier to the arbitrators. The arbitrator will then run the verification step and only choose commands that pass this step.
The leads us to another issue. What to do if the command we wanted to execute does not pass the verification step?
Glad you asked!
The first thing that happens out-of-the-box: the arbitrator will just choose the next best option passing verification.
E.g., if the EatClosestDot
is not safe, the EatDot
arbitrator will just return the ChangeDotCluster
command to the root arbitrator
in case ChangeDotCluster
is both applicable and does itself pass verification.
If that’s not the case though, we can think about adding additional behavior components as fallback layers to enable graceful degradation of the system.
The first one is already there: MoveRandomly
is something we probably don’t really want to do under normal circumstances.
But if we run out of ideas, it is still a valid option.
It might also give our main behavior components a chance to recover or to solve deadlock situations.
Finally, it is a good idea to add a last resort fallback layer. This behavior component should be a simple implementation that is always applicable and does not require a lot of context knowledge. If the system is in a failing state, the latter might not be available. We can mark a behavior component as last resort fallback layer in order to exclude it from verification. After all, it’s our last straw and it’s better to execute that than to do nothing.
In our case, we will add a StayInPlace
behavior component.
Pac-Man is not actually able to stop, so he will just keep moving back and forth.
Probably not an ideal strategy to win the game, but we can be sure to have a comprehensible command at all times.
Also, Pac-Man will never run into a wall with this behavior component.
Phew, that was a long read. Time to get our hands dirty!
Finish the implementation of the Verifier
class and have the existing arbitrators use it.
Add the MoveRandomly
behavior component as a last resort fallback layer.
- In
, finish the implementation of theVerifier::analyze()
method. - Compile and run the unit tests for the
to verify that your implementation is correct. - Add an instance of the
to thePacmanAgent
class and initialize it in the constructor. - Pass the
instance to the constructors of the arbitrators. (Hint: You’ll need to adjust the template parameters of the arbitrators.) - Add the
behavior component analogously to the other behavior components. - Mark the
behavior component as a last resort fallback layer. - Try breaking a behavior component on purpose and see how the system reacts.
(Try throwing an exception in the
method of a behavior component or returning a command that will lead to a collision with a wall.)
Click here to expand the solution
In the Verifier::analyze()
method (in include/demo/verifier.hpp
), we simply check if the command would lead to an invalid position:
VerificationResult analyze(const Time /*time*/, const Command& command) const {
Move nextMove = Move{command.path.front()};
Position nextPosition = environmentModel_->pacmanPosition() + nextMove.deltaPosition;
// The command is considered safe if the next position is in bounds and not a wall
return VerificationResult{environmentModel_->isPassableCell(nextPosition)};
Include the verifier header you just implemented, in include/demo/pacman_agent.hpp
Also, include stay_in_place_behavior.hpp
#include "stay_in_place_behavior.hpp"
#include "verifier.hpp"
Adjust the template parameters in the alias definitions to contain the verifier types:
using CostArbitrator = arbitration_graphs::CostArbitrator<Command, Command, Verifier, VerificationResult>;
using PriorityArbitrator = arbitration_graphs::PriorityArbitrator<Command, Command, Verifier, VerificationResult>;
Add the verifier and the fallback behavior component as members of the PacmanAgent
StayInPlaceBehavior::Ptr stayInPlaceBehavior_;
Verifier verifier_;
In the constructor of the PacmanAgent
class, initialize the verifier and the StayInPlace
behavior component.
Make sure to also pass the verifier to the arbitrator constructors:
explicit PacmanAgent(const entt::Game& game)
: parameters_{},
verifier_{environmentModel_} { // We can initialize the verifier in the member initializer list
avoidGhostBehavior_ = std::make_shared<AvoidGhostBehavior>(environmentModel_, parameters_.avoidGhostBehavior);
changeDotClusterBehavior_ = std::make_shared<ChangeDotClusterBehavior>(environmentModel_);
chaseGhostBehavior_ = std::make_shared<ChaseGhostBehavior>(environmentModel_, parameters_.chaseGhostBehavior);
eatClosestDotBehavior_ = std::make_shared<EatClosestDotBehavior>(environmentModel_);
moveRandomlyBehavior_ = std::make_shared<MoveRandomlyBehavior>(parameters_.moveRandomlyBehavior);
// Initialize the StayInPlace behavior component
stayInPlaceBehavior_ = std::make_shared<StayInPlaceBehavior>(environmentModel_);
// Pass the verifier instance to the cost arbitrator
eatDotsArbitrator_ = std::make_shared<CostArbitrator>("EatDots", verifier_);
costEstimator_ = std::make_shared<CostEstimator>(environmentModel_, parameters_.costEstimator);
changeDotClusterBehavior_, CostArbitrator::Option::Flags::INTERRUPTABLE, costEstimator_);
eatClosestDotBehavior_, CostArbitrator::Option::Flags::INTERRUPTABLE, costEstimator_);
// Pass the verifier instance to the priority arbitrator
rootArbitrator_ = std::make_shared<PriorityArbitrator>("Pacman", verifier_);
rootArbitrator_->addOption(chaseGhostBehavior_, PriorityArbitrator::Option::Flags::INTERRUPTABLE);
rootArbitrator_->addOption(avoidGhostBehavior_, PriorityArbitrator::Option::Flags::INTERRUPTABLE);
rootArbitrator_->addOption(eatDotsArbitrator_, PriorityArbitrator::Option::Flags::INTERRUPTABLE);
rootArbitrator_->addOption(moveRandomlyBehavior_, PriorityArbitrator::Option::Flags::INTERRUPTABLE);
// Add the StayInPlace behavior component. Mark it as a last resort fallback layer using the FALLBACK flag.
PriorityArbitrator::Option::Flags::INTERRUPTABLE |