Compare Dynamic One Track Models
In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import behavior_generation_lecture_python.vehicle_models.model_comparison as cm
from behavior_generation_lecture_python.utils.plot_vehicle import plot_vehicle as pv
from behavior_generation_lecture_python.utils.vizard import vizard as vz
interactive_widgets = not os.getenv("CI") == "true"
if interactive_widgets:
# Use widget backend locally, to be able to interact with the plots
%matplotlib widget
# Use inline backend in CI, to render the notebooks for the hosted docs
%matplotlib inline
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import behavior_generation_lecture_python.vehicle_models.model_comparison as cm
from behavior_generation_lecture_python.utils.plot_vehicle import plot_vehicle as pv
from behavior_generation_lecture_python.utils.vizard import vizard as vz
interactive_widgets = not os.getenv("CI") == "true"
if interactive_widgets:
# Use widget backend locally, to be able to interact with the plots
%matplotlib widget
# Use inline backend in CI, to render the notebooks for the hosted docs
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
def main():
print("Running simulation...")
def delta(t):
stwa = 0
tp = [0.0, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1]
dp = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0]
stwa = np.interp(t, tp, dp)
stwa_ampl = 20 * np.pi / 180
stwa_ratio = 18
stwa_max = 520 * np.pi / 180
stwa = max(min(stwa_max, stwa), -stwa_max)
delta = stwa_ampl * stwa / stwa_ratio
return delta
vars_0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
ti = np.arange(0, 5, 0.05)
model = cm.CompareModels(vars_0, delta)
sol = model.simulate(ti, v=30)
x = sol[0][:, 0]
y = sol[0][:, 1]
psi = sol[0][:, 2]
beta = sol[0][:, 3]
r = sol[0][:, 4]
beta_lin = sol[1][:, 0]
r_lin = sol[1][:, 1]
delta_vals = [delta(t) for t in ti]
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2)
ax2.plot(ti, delta_vals, "k-")
ax2.plot(ti, beta, "r-")
ax2.plot(ti, r, "g-")
ax2.plot(ti, beta_lin, "m-")
ax2.plot(ti, r_lin, "b-")
ax2.legend(["delta", "beta", "r", "beta_lin", "r_lin"])
(point1,) = ax1.plot([], [], marker="o", color="blue", ms=10)
(point_delta,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="black", ms=3)
(point_beta,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="red", ms=3)
(point_r,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="green", ms=3)
(point_beta_lin,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="magenta", ms=3)
(point_r_lin,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="blue", ms=3)
def update(i, *fargs):
slice_ = slice(i + 1, i + 2)
[l.remove() for l in reversed(ax1.lines)]
ax1.plot(x[: i + 1], y[: i + 1], "b-", linewidth=0.5)
point1.set_data(x[slice_], y[slice_])
pv.plot_vehicle(ax1, x[i], y[i], psi[i], delta_vals[i])
point_delta.set_data(ti[slice_], delta_vals[slice_])
point_beta.set_data(ti[slice_], beta[slice_])
point_r.set_data(ti[slice_], r[slice_])
point_beta_lin.set_data(ti[slice_], beta_lin[slice_])
point_r_lin.set_data(ti[slice_], r_lin[slice_])
for farg in fargs:
viz = vz.Vizard(fig, update, ti)
def main():
print("Running simulation...")
def delta(t):
stwa = 0
tp = [0.0, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1]
dp = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0]
stwa = np.interp(t, tp, dp)
stwa_ampl = 20 * np.pi / 180
stwa_ratio = 18
stwa_max = 520 * np.pi / 180
stwa = max(min(stwa_max, stwa), -stwa_max)
delta = stwa_ampl * stwa / stwa_ratio
return delta
vars_0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
ti = np.arange(0, 5, 0.05)
model = cm.CompareModels(vars_0, delta)
sol = model.simulate(ti, v=30)
x = sol[0][:, 0]
y = sol[0][:, 1]
psi = sol[0][:, 2]
beta = sol[0][:, 3]
r = sol[0][:, 4]
beta_lin = sol[1][:, 0]
r_lin = sol[1][:, 1]
delta_vals = [delta(t) for t in ti]
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2)
ax2.plot(ti, delta_vals, "k-")
ax2.plot(ti, beta, "r-")
ax2.plot(ti, r, "g-")
ax2.plot(ti, beta_lin, "m-")
ax2.plot(ti, r_lin, "b-")
ax2.legend(["delta", "beta", "r", "beta_lin", "r_lin"])
(point1,) = ax1.plot([], [], marker="o", color="blue", ms=10)
(point_delta,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="black", ms=3)
(point_beta,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="red", ms=3)
(point_r,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="green", ms=3)
(point_beta_lin,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="magenta", ms=3)
(point_r_lin,) = ax2.plot([], [], marker="o", color="blue", ms=3)
def update(i, *fargs):
slice_ = slice(i + 1, i + 2)
[l.remove() for l in reversed(ax1.lines)]
ax1.plot(x[: i + 1], y[: i + 1], "b-", linewidth=0.5)
point1.set_data(x[slice_], y[slice_])
pv.plot_vehicle(ax1, x[i], y[i], psi[i], delta_vals[i])
point_delta.set_data(ti[slice_], delta_vals[slice_])
point_beta.set_data(ti[slice_], beta[slice_])
point_r.set_data(ti[slice_], r[slice_])
point_beta_lin.set_data(ti[slice_], beta_lin[slice_])
point_r_lin.set_data(ti[slice_], r_lin[slice_])
for farg in fargs:
viz = vz.Vizard(fig, update, ti)
In [3]:
Running simulation...