Latent Diffusion Face Anonymization for Self-Driving Applications

1Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, 2FZI Research Center for Information Technology

LDFA detects faces and anonymizes them via stable diffusion.


In order to protect vulnerable road users (VRUs), such as pedestrians or cyclists, it is essential that intelligent trans- portation systems (ITS) accurately identify them. Therefore, datasets used to train perception models of ITS must con- tain a significant number of vulnerable road users. How- ever, data protection regulations require that individuals are anonymized in such datasets.

In this work, we introduce a novel deep learning-based pipeline for face anonymization in the context of ITS. In contrast to related methods, we do not use generative adversarial networks (GANs) but build upon recent advances in diffusion models. We propose a two-stage method, which contains a face detection model followed by a latent diffusion model to generate realistic face in-paintings. To demonstrate the versatility of anonymized images, we train segmentation methods on anonymized data and evalu- ate them on non-anonymized data.

Our experiments reveal that our pipeline is better suited to anonymize data for seg- mentation than naive methods and performes comparably with recent GAN-based methods. Moreover, face detectors achieve higher mAP scores for faces anonymized by our method compared to naive or recent GAN-based methods.

Related Links

There's a lot of excellent work that we either build up on or used to compare our method against.

Deep Privacy 2 is a toolbox for realistic anonymization of humans, including a face and a full-body anonymizer.

This repository provides an excellent interface for stable diffusion. We used the API extensively for our anonymization method.


    author    = {Klemp, Marvin and R\"osch, Kevin and Wagner, Royden and Quehl, Jannik and Lauer, Martin},
    title     = {LDFA: Latent Diffusion Face Anonymization for Self-Driving Applications},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {3198-3204}